Attorneys at Law

Motorcycle Accidents Attorney

Anderson County Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

 Riding a motorcycle can be a fun and enjoyable experience on Anderson County roads. However, motorcycles offer their riders very limited protection in an accident, with the exception of their helmets. Even if a motorcyclist is wearing their helmet at the time of impact, their helmet could crack if they strike the ground directly.


If you or a person you care about has suffered an injury in a motorcycle crash due to another driver’s carelessness, you have legal options available to you. The knowledgeable Anderson county motorcycle accident attorneys at Bradley & Perkins can help you explore these options and decide on the best course of action for pursuing damages in your case.


Causes of Motorcycle Accidents


Motorcycle collisions happen for a variety of reasons, but driver negligence typically plays a factor. When a passenger vehicle strikes a motorcycle, it is typically the motorcyclist who suffers more serious injuries. This is because, unlike motor vehicle drivers and passengers, a biker does not have an outer covering or metal shell surrounding them at the time of impact.


Some common causes of motorcycle accidents include drivers violating rules of the road, such as speeding, failing to yield the right-of-way at traffic intersections, and tailgating. Other motorcycle accidents occur because of distracted or intoxicated drivers who fail to see motorcyclists. Alcohol, in particular, can delay a driver’s reaction time, preventing the driver from stopping in time to avoid striking a biker.


Compensation in Motorcycle Accident Cases

Victims of motorcycle accidents that result from negligence can recover several types of damages. Not all motorcycle accident cases are the same, and different accident victims suffer different injuries. The compensation that an accident victim recovers typically depends upon the severity of their injuries and the cost of their medical treatment. Motorcycle accident victims can pursue damages for their pain and suffering, inconvenience, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. They can also pursue recovery for their medical expenses and lost earnings if they had to miss time away from work. 

Speak with an Anderson County Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

The skilled attorneys at Bradley & Perkins can help you recover the monetary compensation that you deserve for your motorcycle accident injuries. For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an Anderson County motorcycle accident lawyer, please contact us for more information.