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Issues You Might Have to Resolve in a Divorce

In any divorce case, it may be difficult for you and your ex-spouse to get on the same page. Each of you may have your own interests, and there is a limited amount of custodial time and finite assets to divide. The primary issues that you would need to resolve involve custody (if there are children involved) and division of the marital estate.


South Carolina uses the principles of equitable division to decide who gets what marital property. Equitable division does not always mean 50-50, and each spouse may have their own position on why they deserve more of the marital assets. The parties may need extensive negotiations to reach an agreement on property division, including through the use of a mediator. If they still cannot reach a settlement, the court would have to decide the matter.


If there are children involved, the parents would need to address a number of issues. The first involves physical custody. If one parent has primary physical custody, the other parent would need visitation rights. The parents would need to agree on the scope and timing of visitation. In addition, the parents would also need to agree on legal custody. There needs to be an assignment of decision-making rights and a mechanism for the parents to make important decisions. Finally, the parents would need to agree on child support and the financial contribution that each parent would need to make. These can be difficult issues, and you need the help of an experienced attorney.


Call an Anderson Family Law Attorney

The lawyers at Bradley & Perkins provide you with invaluable and crucial legal assistance to help you through a divorce. You can message us online or call us today at 864.401.8770 to discuss your divorce and the legal process.