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What Should I Take Photos of After Someone Hits Me? Are You at Fault for Hydroplaning? Do Headphones Put Pedestrians in Danger? If They are In Accident, But Have Headphones On, Who is Liable? Common Injuries of Pedestrians Who Are Hit by Cars Is Avoiding Car Maintenance a Sign of Negligence?What Should I Take Photos of After Someone Hits Me?
A photograph is worth 1,000 words, filling in details that may otherwise be missed on a police report. If you were in an accident, it is important that you take photos of the crash as soon as possible. Photos capturing pertinent details of the crash and the other driver’s information will be beneficial when filing your insurance claim. In this article, our )Anderson, SC, car accident lawyers provide our advice on what photos to get following a collision.
Vehicle Wreckage
In the aftermath of a crash, it is important that you get pictures of the final resting position of all vehicles involved. Be sure to take photos from different angles so there is no confusion on the point of impact. Be sure to get close-ups of any shredded tires, broken taillights, or damaged fenders since you want to show the entirety of the damage sustained by both vehicles.
Your Injuries
Visual documentation of any lacerations, bruises, and fractures will help support your bodily injury claim. Unfortunately, many injuries cannot be seen, but for outward injuries, it is crucial that you get a photo that includes a time and date stamp. Your injuries may fade after a few days, so it is important to take these photos right away. Taking photos of your injuries at a later time may not be helpful since the insurance company or other driver may claim that your injuries are related to something else.
Road and Weather Conditions
It is essential to show if environmental factors played into your collision. If there are any street light outages, be sure to take a picture since it could have contributed to your accident if the incident occurred at night or in dim conditions. Be sure to take a picture of any inclement weather (which may be easiest to see if you take a photo with a dark building in the background) since this could have also contributed to your crash.
Location of Your Accident
The exact location of the accident matters. A visual depiction of any identifying landmarks and nearby intersections will be beneficial when filing your claim. Take note of any nearby businesses in the event that somebody saw your accident unfold.
License Plate, Driver’s License, and Insurance Card
It is much easier to snap a picture of the other driver’s license plate, his or her driver’s license, and insurance card. This will eliminate any chance of errors while attempting to write down this information.
Tips for Taking Photos
Clear photos depicting your accident from various angles will clarify any confusion and provide missing information to a claims adjuster (and your attorney). Before taking a photo, be sure that the lens is focused. To be extra cautious, take photos with a flash and without a flash. If you are too shaken up after your crash to take photos, ask one of your passengers if they would be willing to do so on your behalf.
Take as many photos as possible. More is always better, and our Anderson, SC, car accident attorneys will know what evidence is needed to strengthen your claim. Our team of legal professionals will comb through your photos from the accident scene to determine which will be useful in securing the compensation you need. Our professional network consists of accident reconstructionists who can discern crucial aspects of your collision simply from photographic evidence.
Victim to a Crash? Our Anderson, SC, Car Accident Lawyers Are Here to Uphold Your Rights
The circumstances surrounding a car accident can be complicated, resulting in more questions being raised than answered. If you have recently been injured in a collision, do not hesitate to contact our Anderson, SC, car accident lawyers. At Bradley & Perkins, we take a personal interest in your case, helping you secure the financial resources you need to set you up for a promising future. To schedule a consultation, contact us online or by phone at your earliest convenience.