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Do More Accidents Occur After the Sun Goes Down?

It is common knowledge that driving at night is inherently more dangerous than daytime driving. Nighttime driving comes with certain concerns which are all less frequently encountered during the day. With nearly 50% of traffic fatalities occurring at night, it is best that you understand your risk before heading out.

If you have been injured in an accident after dark due to another motorist’s negligence, our Anderson car accident lawyers are here to assist with your claim.

Nighttime Accident Statistics

In 2022, nighttime motor vehicle accident statistics involved:

  • 12,535 passenger vehicle occupant deaths
  • 57% of passenger vehicle occupants killed were not wearing a seatbelt (compared to 43% of vehicle occupants who were involved in daytime crashes)
  • 22,603 vehicle occupants survived fatal crashes (compared to 20,344 vehicle occupants involved in daytime crashes)

Why Do More Accidents Occur at Night?

Several factors point to why more accidents occur after dark:


There is no denying that visibility while driving at night is diminished, with individuals 60 years of age and older having difficulties seeing in low-light conditions. With age-related changes in the lens and cornea, glare from headlights also becomes a growing concern for older folks. Whereas the importance of glare reducing lenses cannot be understated, it is also crucial that individuals 60 years old and older routinely get their eyes examined.

Driving Under the Influence

Roughly 11,000 people die each year due to drunk driving. In a single year, approximately 9,700 of these alcohol-related crashes occurred at night. A person who has a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or greater will have reduced coordination, slowed reflexes, and impaired judgment.


One hundred three million people admit to having fallen asleep behind the wheel at some time or another, with 60% of people having driven while fatigued. In fact, most near-miss accidents occur between the hours of 4 a.m. and 6 a.m., when most people are getting some much-needed shut-eye. It is recommended that you get at least seven to nine hours of sleep before operating a motor vehicle.

Denser Traffic

During most of the year, the later evening commute times occur during dusk or in reduced lighting, with the rush hour commute in the winter months occurring in the dark. Given reduced visibility and driver aggression, more than 25% of accidents happen during the evening commute. If you must drive during rush hour, follow traffic regulations, do not speed, and minimize distractions to reduce your risk of a crash.

Assistance from a Knowledgeable Car Accident Attorney

Even taking all proper precautions, a car accident is sometimes inevitable. At Bradley & Perkins, we understand the toll that a crash can take on you and your family. We strongly believe that the negligent party should be held accountable for their wrongful actions. Evidence is key in proving liability. When you work with our legal team, you can rest assured that we will uncover the true worth of your accident case.

Consult with Our Anderson Car Accident Lawyers Now

A collision can leave you with thousands of dollars in medical expenses and the inability to work. Your plans may be abandoned to deal with your declining health, leaving you depressed and lonely. Nobody should be forced to pay for another’s wrongdoing. If you have suffered injuries at the hands of another’s carelessness, our Anderson car accident attorneys want to hear from you. To schedule your free consultation or to learn more about our services, contact us online or give us a call today.