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Do Headphones Put Pedestrians in Danger? If They are In Accident, But Have Headphones On, Who is Liable?

Although you may never consider wearing headphones or earbuds while driving, you may think nothing of listening to music while jogging down the street. The simple truth is that headphones place pedestrians in danger, inhibiting their ability to hear or focus on what they see in front of them. This lack of focus can result in a pedestrian being unable to understand what they are seeing, which is all the makings for an accident.

If you were recently in an accident as a pedestrian, you may be surprised to learn how headphones can affect your ability to collect compensation. In this blog, our Anderson, SC, pedestrian accident attorneys discuss how wearing headphones as a pedestrian may make you liable, thereby reducing your settlement.

How Do Headphones Endanger Pedestrians?

Pedestrians must rely on their eyes and ears to keep themselves free of danger. Pedestrians who are distracted, either by listening to music or a podcast, are more likely to be injured. A pedestrian who is wearing headphones is more likely to not pay attention to their surroundings, even breaking traffic laws due to being distracted.

Pedestrians that wear headphones or earbuds are more likely to experience:

Reduced Hearing

Being able to clearly hear approaching vehicles is essential to keeping you safe while walking, jogging, or running. Pedestrians rely on hearing to determine vehicle distance and speed. If your hearing is compromised, you will miss these important cues.

Lack of Focus

Many joggers listen to podcasts, pulling their focus away from traffic. If your mind is preoccupied with listening to a podcast or Adele’s new single, you are more likely to break the law. Since you lack the protection of an enclosed vehicle, failing to follow traffic regulations can be fatal. While you may be searching for a source of entertainment on your next run, do yourself a favor and leave the headphones at home.

Trouble Interpreting Visual Cues

South Carolina, like most states, has traffic laws that pedestrians must follow. If you are listening to your favorite album, you are less likely to notice what is going on around you. If you are wearing headphones or earbuds, you will not be able to hear an ambulance as it approaches. You may even fail to notice vehicles pulling over as the ambulances pass by.

While wearing headphones does not automatically make you liable, it could cause you to act negligently, thereby causing an accident. Insurance companies are apt to find any evidence pointing to your liability. If you were wearing headphones when struck by an oncoming vehicle, a claims adjuster may refuse to pay on your claim. At Bradley & Perkins, our pedestrian accident lawyers will examine the totality of the circumstances surrounding your accident to discern your degree of liability. While headphones and earbuds serve as forms of distraction, it does not mean that you are not entitled to damages if injured.

Reach Out to Our Anderson, SC, Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

As a pedestrian, you cannot rely on motorists to take the necessary precautions to keep you out of harm’s way. If you have recently been injured while walking, jogging, or running our Anderson, SC, pedestrian accident attorneys would like to speak with you. To learn more about our services or to schedule your initial consultation, contact Bradley & Perkins by completing our online contact form or giving us a call.