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What Should I Take Photos of After Someone Hits Me? Are You at Fault for Hydroplaning? Do Headphones Put Pedestrians in Danger? If They are In Accident, But Have Headphones On, Who is Liable? Common Injuries of Pedestrians Who Are Hit by Cars Is Avoiding Car Maintenance a Sign of Negligence?Are You at Fault for Hydroplaning?
At one time or another, it seems like we have all had the experience of having our tires lose contact with the road while raining. Instead of your tires being firmly secured to the road surface, you are traveling on a film of water. It can be a frightening experience, prompting you to ease off the gas. Known as hydroplaning, this phenomenon is the result of more water being on the roadway than your tires can push aside.
Motorists usually describe hydroplaning as feeling like their vehicle is floating, losing control due to a lack of traction. It is a dangerous occurrence that can lead to a crash. If you have recently been involved in a crash due to hydroplaning, our Anderson, SC, car accident lawyers are here to protect your interests.
Causes of Hydroplaning
The four factors that contribute to hydroplaning have been identified as the following:
Tread Depth
Worn or bald tires are no match for standing water on the roadway. It is important to check the treads on your tires once or twice per year. The ideal tire tread is 10/32 of an inch, but it is time to replace the tire if the tread measures 2/32 of an inch.
Testing tire treads can be done by taking a penny and placing it into the deepest groove of your tire, with Abraham Lincoln’s head pointing downward. If the tread covers the top of Lincoln’s head, then your treads are still in good condition. If you can still see most of Lincoln’s head, then it is probably time to replace your tires.
Vehicle Speed
Hydroplaning can happen at speeds as low as 35 miles per hour. The faster you are driving; the less time your vehicle has to displace the water that is on the roadway.
Vehicle Weight
A lighter vehicle will have a harder time displacing water compared to a heavier vehicle, even if both vehicles are fitted with the same tires. The more your vehicle weighs, the more resistance your vehicle can provide against hydroplaning.
Road Conditions
About 70% of weather-related crashes take place on wet pavement, and 46% occur when it is raining (compared to only 18% that occur during snow or sleet). The risk of hydroplaning increases when the water on a roadway is 1/10 of an inch or deeper, making it more difficult for vehicles to displace water and for tires to maintain constant contact with the road. The more standing water there is on the roadway, the greater your chance of hydroplaning.
Liability in a Hydroplaning Accident
Hydroplaning can occur at low speeds on wet or slippery surfaces, but that does not mean you can simply blame Mother Nature for your accident and move on. Drivers are expected to use abundant caution in adverse weather, which entails slowing down and avoiding deep puddles or standing water.
If you were in an accident caused by your vehicle hydroplaning, you will likely be found liable. However, you may be entitled to compensation if the other driver is assigned partial liability. The circumstances behind most accidents are often complex, which is why you should speak with the legal team at Bradley & Perkins. We can review the facts of your case to discern where liability lies and to calculate the totality of your damages.
Involved in a Hydroplaning Accident? Contact Our Anderson, SC, Car Accident Attorneys Today
If you or a loved one have been injured in a hydroplaning accident, you may experience serious injuries, resulting in a pile of medical bills and lost income. At Bradley & Perkins, we believe that everybody should have competent representation to recoup their losses following a car accident. To arrange your consultation with one of our Anderson, SC, car accident lawyers, contact us online or by phone today.